Teach your kids about their legacy

today there aren’t many opportunities to sit down and give our children an educational positive experience about their legacy without it turning into religious lessons. Along comes Genesi box, containing history, education, exploration and so many more. Don’t know it yet? Well, perfect! This article is exactly for you.


The importance of legacy

Now more than ever, when screens take over our lives, social ranking is a transparent process that occurs all over the world – it is most important to recognize and embrace the history of the people who brought us to this very point.

Legacy can be family achievements, religious background, geographic history and so many more. All of these are the backbone of our character and it is crucial for our children to embrace this. The website www.genesibox.com holds the perfect solution.

Teach your kids about their legacy

Legacy in a box

Genesi box is a box game that is all about re – connecting with our Jewish – Israeli roots. This revolutionary box game is the most interactive teaching experience one can give to his family. This game includes working with a video, a map of a city; Jerusalem for example, and many clues, riddles and activities to do while exploring the city along with its history and connection to Judaism.


The main advantage

Even today, covid – 19 is still creating obstacles and difficulties for many pupils to receive the regular education at school or even attend various tour days from school.

Genesi box helps our young ones to rediscover their Jewish roots in a unique experience that is only available in their home! Can you imagine? The most interactive and interesting lesson about Israel and Judaism can happen in their home!

Teach your kids about their legacy

Various exploration terrains

All you need to do now is head back to the Genesi box website and see the boxes available. A quick teaser: the Jerusalem is available for purchase and there are at least two more boxes on the way!



As we just read together, just go ahead and enter the website at the top of the article. With so many options to learn and explore, it might be quite hard to take your pick.

Genesi box is putting the spotlight on the importance of our Israeli and Jewish legacy, doing above and beyond to make it accessible for the young generation. Through Jerusalem and the desert – history is just around the corner. Enjoy!

Teach your kids about their legacy


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